This has installed a new directory on your computer - "C:\Family" (Note: You may have to close Windows Explorer and then reopen it to see it).
3) Using Windows Explorer or My Computer, go to the directory "C:\Family". Go to the subdirectory "Install". Double click on the file "install.exe". This will install the program. You will be given a choice to install the program alone, or the program and data. Choose "Program and Data". The program is now installed and you will now find the program in your Start menu under "GSP STAR Collection".
Click on the "dosexpt.001 file so that it is highlighted. Then click the "import" button. The program will then ask you a question regarding the file "tree.bmp" Pick option 2.
5) When you are back to the opening screen, click on the "open file" button. Pick the O"Connell Family Tree. When it loads, go to the top toolbar and pick the button that looks like an orgainization chart. A dialogue box will open with a list of names. Pick "O'Connell Dennis". You are now looking at the O'Connell Family Tree.
6) Instructions on how to use the program can be found in the Manual which is located in the directory "C:\Family\Manuals".
7) You can now delete the "C:\Family\install" subdirectory (But not C:\Family!), as once the install is complete, you will not need it anymore.